Humans of the Commons: Terry Greene

Episode 032 – Terry Greene

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Terry Greene. We have collaborated together and met via Virtually Connecting a few years back.

I have had the pleasure to hang out with my fellow Canadian and Edmonton Oilers fan at the past three #OpenEd conferences (2016, 2017 and 2018).

This is a special edition of the podcast as it will also be released as an episode his of “Gettin’ Air” podcast. I have listened to every episode (yet, I am a completionist) and I highly recommend that you do too!

Terry is a leader in the Open Education community and I am so glad to collaborate with him. As Terry pointed out on Twitter: Some of the topics we cover include: hockey tacos and all stops in between.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

This episode was recorded on May 10, 2019.

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Headshot of Stacey Roshan

Episode 031 – Stacey Roshan

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Stacey Roshan and we talk about her new book “Tech with Heart“, her history as an educator, stakeholders in learning, trust in relationships, on the unattainable ideal of “the perfect student”, anorexia nervosa, failure as a piece of the learning process and so much more.

Stacey is a pioneer in the flipped learning community who started flipping her math class in 2010. I decided to dig into a particular chapter from her book: “The Perils of Perfectionism” and I am really glad that we went straight to that topic.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Head shot provided by Karen Costa, all rights reserved.

Episode 030 – Karen Costa

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Karen Costa and we talk about student success, wellness, rephrasing “I hope that helped”, seeing students (and teachers) as humans first, her work with brain-based teaching and studies in neuroscience and education, faculty success, rewinding cassette tapes and her upcoming book from Stylus “101 Tips for Creating Simple and Sustainable Educational Videos“.

Karen also shared a promo code for her upcoming book, check the “Links from the show” below for details.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Photo of Jess Mitchell, all rights reserved by Jess.

Episode 029 – Jess Mitchell

Show Notes

This week Jess Mitchell joins Ken for a discussion of her work. We talk about finding one’s voice, accessibility, assessment, critical pedagogy, overlooking conversations in the rear view mirror, scorpions, “crap in streams” and so much more. I was fortunate to meet Jess at OpenEd18 in Niagara Falls and was so happy to have her join us for this episode. The work of Jess really does touch deeply and say much better what I feel in my pedagogy.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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You can subscribe to our podcast via Apple Music, Spotify, Stitcher, Android/Google Play, or direct via our RSS feed. If you would like to see the podcast on another service, please contact us.

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Photo of Troy Cockrum, all rights Troy Cockrum

Episode 028 – Troy Cockrum


Show Notes

This week Ken joins Troy Cockrum to discuss blended learning, vlogging, student video  creation, podcasting and what he is up to lately. Troy was the original host of The Flipped Learning Podcast (produced audio archives and YouTube channel) and produced 142+ episodes and then rebooted itself for another 17 episodes with a new name of Flipped Learning Remixed. Most of the episodes featured Troy’s co-host Joan Brown. Troy is a published author of two of his own books as well as chapters in other books on flipped learning. Links in the notes below.

Troy was one of my first contacts in the flipped learning community, is a such a generous colleague and I owe so much to him and others who welcomed me into this community. I even joined Troy and Joan on episode 93 of their podcast back in 2014 after I attended FlipCon14 in Mars, PA, USA.

This episode was recorded on January 22, 2019. If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Photo of Keith Hughes with a caption about his #teachertip quotes on Twitter.

Episode 027 – Keith Hughes

Show Notes

This week Ken joins Keith Hughes for a great fireside discussion that had everything except the fireside. Topics include professional development, leaving the classroom, video production, Wilford Brimley, differences among educators and learners, conversations and connecting with our students, “this is where learning happens”, use of social media, authenticity, “Facilitator of Learning Experiences” and much more.

This episode was recorded on December 6, 2018. If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Headshot of Sarah Thomas, PhD.

Episode 026 – Sarah Thomas, PhD

Show Notes

This week Ken joins Sarah Thomas, PhD to discuss her work projects. Sarah is an amazing educator who has done excellent work in flipped and blended learning but the work that I find the most important is her founding of the EduMatch project to help educators connect globally. We talk about her work with that project, her transition from the classroom to spending more time working with educators, listening to podcasts at 3 time speed, sharing on the web, self care and more.

There were a few audio issues (totally my fault, I am still learning). I tried to edit to make it not sound like we were cutting each other off but audio editing is difficult! Sorry Sarah!

Working on not having so much time between recording and releasing. My comments on not spoiling her “upcoming” talk sends me to guilt-land for taking so long on these productions. If you do get a chance to see Sarah speak, I highly recommend it. I’ve heard so many great comments about her talks. This episode interview was recorded on December 1st, 2018.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Episode 025 – Jonathan Thomas-Palmer

Show Notes

This week Ken joins Jonathan Thomas-Palmer to discuss his experiences in flipped learning. I would say that our conversation quickly transitioned to critical pedagogy and I for one really enjoyed this conversation. My apologies for taking so long to publish this, it was recorded back on November 29th, 2018.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community. We recently created a Patreon site which we will be promoting more in upcoming episodes and you can even help by purchasing any goods at Amazon (US site) via our affiliate link.

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Episode 024: Crystal Kirch and the W-S-Q

Show Notes

This week Matthew Moore talks with veteran flipped educator, and now learning specialist Crystal Kirch. Crystal is the author of the book Flipping With Kirch, as well as serving as a Flipped Learning Network board member. I had the pleasure of sitting down to talk with Crystal…twice as you will hear in the podcast. Although her book has been out for a few years now, this was my first reading and acquaintance with the W-S-Q method. Join us as we talk to a pioneer and voice of experience in the flipped community.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

Guest Bio

Crystal Kirch has been an educator since 2007 and involved with flipped learning since 2011.  After several years teaching high school math in a traditional, teacher-centered model, she stumbled across the flipped classroom idea and began transforming her classroom into a more student-centered, active learning, higher order thinking learning space where students were supported more effectively and challenged in ways that were not possible before. After three years of flipping her class, she transitioned out of the classroom to be a Digital Learning Coach, where she had the opportunity to work with teachers of all subject areas on enhancing the learning environment by utilizing the power of different technologies.  She currently works as a Secondary Math Curriculum Specialist, supporting math teachers from grades 6-12 on curriculum and instruction. Crystal is well-known as a reflective practitioner through her blog Flipping with Kirch, which she began in January of 2012, as a way to reflect and share her journey with the flipped classroom.  The blog documents her weekly successes and failures, as well as lessons learned along the way, that helped her build a successful flipped learning environment structured around a model called the WSQ (Watch – Summarize – Question). She enjoys sharing her experiences through blogging, Twitter (@crystalkirch), and by presenting at conferences such as CUE, FlipCon, and ISTE. She is the author of Flipping with Kirch: The Ups and Downs from Inside my Flipped Classroom (2016) and contributing author in the book Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Engagement (2014). Crystal is well-known as a reflective practitioner through her blog Flipping with Kirch, which she began in January, of 2012, as a way to reflect and share her journey with the flipped classroom. 

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Episode 023: Research, Digital Natives, Flipped Learning & Two Pints PLC

Show Notes

This week Matthew Moore had the opportunity to sit down with Michael Ralph and Laurence Woodruff via Skype to join them on their podcast Two Pint PLC at and be available from their site in the near future. Two Pint PLC is a podcast focused heavily on education research and informed opinions over a pint of a favorite beverage.  I only hope they find my research more impressive than my unsweetened iced tea.

This episode of AskTheFLN is actually the audioblog version to a companion piece on our main site  Why post this as an ATFLN episode or why do audioblog components at all?  I don’t always have time to sit and read blogs, let alone research, but I do have quite a bit of windshield time and would love to spend more of it listening to others in the flipped community.  It literally takes only a few extra minutes of recording and Audacity work to add the audio element to any blog and if it strikes a chord with readers and listeners then the time is well spent.  While maybe not as riveting as our interviews we do here at ATFLN, I hope you find this 15 minute listen worth your time as well.


Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

Guest Bio

No guest this week, you are just stuck listening to me.

Matthew is the author of the book DIBs: Using Digital Instruction Blocks, available on He is also a board member for the Flipped Learning Network and a Co-founder of the Illinois Flipped & Blended Learning Network . Matthew is a mathematics teacher with seventeen years of experience at the high school level and has also served as an adjunct instructor at the local community college for the since 2004. He can be followed at @matthew_t_moore and maintains a web site at

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