Episode 023: Research, Digital Natives, Flipped Learning & Two Pints PLC

Show Notes

This week Matthew Moore had the opportunity to sit down with Michael Ralph and Laurence Woodruff via Skype to join them on their podcast Two Pint PLC at twopintplc.com and be available from their site in the near future. Two Pint PLC is a podcast focused heavily on education research and informed opinions over a pint of a favorite beverage.  I only hope they find my research more impressive than my unsweetened iced tea.

This episode of AskTheFLN is actually the audioblog version to a companion piece on our main site flippedlearning.org.  Why post this as an ATFLN episode or why do audioblog components at all?  I don’t always have time to sit and read blogs, let alone research, but I do have quite a bit of windshield time and would love to spend more of it listening to others in the flipped community.  It literally takes only a few extra minutes of recording and Audacity work to add the audio element to any blog and if it strikes a chord with readers and listeners then the time is well spent.  While maybe not as riveting as our interviews we do here at ATFLN, I hope you find this 15 minute listen worth your time as well.


Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

Guest Bio

No guest this week, you are just stuck listening to me.

Matthew is the author of the book DIBs: Using Digital Instruction Blocks, available on Amazon.com. He is also a board member for the Flipped Learning Network and a Co-founder of the Illinois Flipped & Blended Learning Network . Matthew is a mathematics teacher with seventeen years of experience at the high school level and has also served as an adjunct instructor at the local community college for the since 2004. He can be followed at @matthew_t_moore and maintains a web site at matthewtmoore.wordpress.com

The Questions

We did not address any questions from the community but we welcome more questions to add to our program. When sending a question, comment or reply, please include the episode number in the subject and/or body of your message as well as any contact information such as Twitter handle that you would like us to include. We will include your name in the text and audio unless you request otherwise.

Matt’s Take

I am almost edu-theory-phobic for reasons enumerated in this episode, but what I have absolutely come to love is meeting with passionate educators, regardless of their particular educational bent. This opportunity drove me to look at research regarding the myth of the digital native, but more importantly it drove me confront my bias against education research.  Flipped learning brought me into a community that functioned well outside my comfort zone, and blogging, podcasting, etc. continues to stretch me in positive ways.  I enjoyed my time with Michael and Laurence, but I have learned to enjoy the process of continual learning and collaboration.

Your Turn

I would also like to remind everyone that anyone contributing to the community that is the Flipped Learning Network actually *is* part of the Flipped Learning Network. We are a community and grow together by pooling our resources. See how you can contribute to this community through contributing blog posts, joining us on this podcast as well as participating in our Slack community.

Music Credit

The music (titled Aloft) clip at the start and end of the podcast is copyright by Kelly Walsh and used with permission.

Featured Image Credit


“Two pints of Discovery” flickr photo by photoverulam https://flickr.com/photos/photoverulam/2556688428 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

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