Episode Zero – Starting

This is the initial episode of our new podcast: Ask the FLN.

Show Notes

Our hosts Ken Bauer and Adriana Ortega explain the mechanics of the podcast and some contact information of how to join in the conversation about Flipped Learning at the Flipped Learning Network.


The audio is in the file but we include the questions from the community here as well. Please send your audio (or text so we can record the audio) replies/comments on these questions to askthefln@flippedlearning.org

When sending your comment or reply, please include the episode number in the subject and/or body of your message as well as any contact information such as Twitter handle that you would like us to include. We will include your name in the text and audio unless you request otherwise.

We also solicit questions for the upcoming podcasts. You can also send those (audio or text for us to read) to us at askthefln@flippedlearning.org

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