Episode 005 – Crystal Kirch

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Crystal Kirch about her experiences with flipped classroom. Crystal is a #flipclass pioneer and an active board member for the Flipped Learning Network.

Crystal discusses reflective blogging, her early experiences with flipped classroom, the WSQ method and more. Be sure to look for Crystal’s book which was released last year. I also apologize for confusing this book edited by Jason Bretzmann with the book by Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams which Crystal did contribute a chapter to.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment on iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community. Our first sponsor, College Star, has kindly contributed to the FLN and we mention that on the show.

(also note URL error says 004 but this is 005)

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