Screen grab of myself and Howard from my interview with Howard Rheingold on November 27, 2019.

Episode 042 – Howard Rheingold

Show Notes

This week Howard Rheingold joins Ken. Howard is an internet pioneer going back to the early 1980s and has written many books about his experiences and research. Last summer I had the privilege to participate in a online course with Howard and a wonderful group of co-learners. That course was titled “Augmented Collective Intelligence” and you can find the details at

Much of my preparation for shifting to fully online delivery of most of my courses in October 2019 are taken from that course with Howard and my interviews with Chris Gilliard, Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel.

This episode was recorded on November 27, 2019.

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Ken Bauer and Martha Ramírez at FlipTech Latam 2019

Episode 041 – Martha Ramírez

Show Notes

This week Martha Ramírez joins Ken. Martha is a long time practitioner of the Flipped Classroom and a leader in our community. She has been teaching since 2004 and I had the pleasure to finally meet her in person at FlipTech Latin America 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia.

I mentioned in the introduction about our Facebook group which now has a mentor-mentee program. Check that out if you are interested.

This episode was recorded on October 8, 2019.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Ken Bauer with Kate Baker at ÚNICA in Bogotá, Colmbia.

Episode 040 – FlipTech Latin America 2019 with Kate Baker

Show Notes

This week is a little different as Ken chats with Kate Baker about our experiences last week at FlipTech Latin America 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia.

I apologize for some audio issues. I have recently switched from using Google Hangouts to using Zoom for my recording and still working on my production chain. It seems that some of the audio was skipping out during the recording. That is combined with a change of my microphone setup. I need to get my setup improved here going forward.

This episode was recorded on October 2, 2019.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Photo of Alex More provided by Alex More

Episode 039 – Alex More

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Alex More. Kelly Walsh brought the work of Alex to my attention and recommended interviewing him for the podcast. This was a great conversation and I must thank Kelly for the recommendation.

This episode was recorded on August 30, 2019.

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Bonni Stachowiak in her podcasting studio

Episode 038 – Bonni Stachowiak

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Bonni Stachowiak (@bonni208 on Twitter). Bonni is an educator, blogger and a podcaster who has been a great influence on my own work.

A long time ago, Bonni asked me to be a guest on her podcast for episode 114 which was publish in August of 2016 with the episode title of “Engage the Heart and Mind Through the Connected Classroom“.

We talk about this during the episode but I also met Bonni in person at OpenEd 2017 in Anaheim, California and if we are lucky we should be meeting up again at another conference.

This episode was recorded on June 24, 2019.

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Episode 037 – Jesse Stommel

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Jesse Stommel (@Jessifer on Twitter). Jesse is the other co-founder of the Digital Pedagogy Lab (Sean was on the previous episode).

I met Jesse in circumstances similar to our last guest, initially through my work with Virtually Connecting for Digital Pedagogy Lab workshops, his prolific blogging and tweeting and was finally able to meet him in person at the 2016 edition of the OpenEd Conference. Jesse is one of my key mentors in my work on #ungrading or #abolishgrading and it is difficult for me to express how happy I was that he joined me on this podcast episode.

Extra fun, Jesse requested to leave the interruption of a phone ringing and my asking my son to answer the phone. Then interruptions by both of my other children. Perfect attendance, so all of these stay in. Almost apologies but in a way I like to keep the conversation authentic.

This episode was recorded on June 4, 2019.

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Episode 036 – Sean Michael Morris

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Sean Michael Morris (@slamteacher on Twitter). I met Sean initially through my work with Virtually Connecting for Digital Pedagogy Lab workshops and was very excited to meet him in person at the 2016 edition of the OpenEd Conference (more on that in the episode). Sean is truly an inspiration to many in the space of digital and critical pedagogy. I reached out for an episode a year ago but finally managed to approach Sean again to join me. I really enjoyed this conversation and hope that you do too.

This episode was recorded on May 30, 2019.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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Episode 035: Eirik Wattengård

Show Notes

(edit: I noticed this was titled episode 36, it is in fact 35. This may become a tradition)

This week Matthew Moore talks with Eirik Wattengård from their time together at FlipTech New England 2019. Eirik is a Video Producer / Multimedia Technologist (Higher Executive Officer) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

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Photo of Chris Gilliard

Episode 034 – Chris Gilliard

Show Notes

(edit: I noticed this was titled episode 33, it is in fact 34. Leaving permalink the same to not break things)

This week Ken chats with Chris Gilliard, known to many as @hypervisible on Twitter. I met Chris through Virtually Connecting (a common theme in these upcoming episodes) and admire and deeply respect his work in the area of data privacy, surveillance and digital redlining. Last semester I was pulling much of his work to include in my course titled Smart Citizens (originally Smart Cities and in the podcast recordingI was saying “Digital Citizens”).

We discuss his work and the bulk of the conversation was myself picking Chris’s brain and his many years of teaching online (over 20 years) to quiz him on how to connect with our students online. I will have my first experience later this year in a fully online mode of teaching at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

I also have to state here that Chris’s laugh is wonderful! This was a really engaging conversation for myself and I thank him for his time recording this episode.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below. This episode was recorded on May 28, 2019.

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Head shot of Tom Driscoll, all rights reserved by Tom Driscoll.

Episode 033 – Tom Driscoll

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Tom Driscoll, a pioneer and early leader in the Flipped Learning community.

When I first joined this #flipclass community (via Twitter and later attending FlipCon 2014, 2015 and 2016), Tom was so giving and helpful in his including me in that group. I appreciate that and hope to follow up on that graciousness in my interaction with the community.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

This episode was recorded on May 23, 2019.

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