Episode 015 – Laurita Garza

Show Notes

This week Ken joins Laurita Garza to discuss her flipped classroom in Monterrey, México. We met in November 2017 at a workshop and I am so happy to share this wonderful interview here. Laurita is extremely creative, has so much energy and truly inspiring.

I am adding here that (as hinted in the episode) Laurita just started publishing on a blog, please check out her writing and encourage her to share more.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community. We recently created a Patreon site which we will be promoting more in upcoming episodes.

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Episode 014 – Talking Coding, Robots & Special Education With Jen Duda & Chris Harris

Show Notes

This week Matthew Moore joins Jen Duda and Chris Harris from the FlipTech East Coast 2018 conference.

Jen Duda and Chris Harris talk with Matthew about reaching students in a special education classroom using robots and coding.  Jen and Chris talk about the impact that motivational and intentional activity has on all aspects of a classroom that includes students who are chronologically 3rd to 6th grade but have significant challenges.  Listen to the powerful and uplifting message of a teacher and administrator that use technology as a motivator to create success with these students.

The conference was held on June 29 and 30 at Collingswood High School in New Jersey. We are in the planning stages for future FlipTech conferences, feel free to contact us if you would like to participate in bringing a FlipTech conference to your city or country.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

Guest Bio(s):

Jennifer Kressler Duda is a Special Education Teacher at Mercer Elementary School at Mercer County Special Services School District. She works primarily with Autistic students and is given the most behavioral students due to her ability to exceed expectations in terms of her students growth and success. Several years ago Jennifer began to incorporate coding and robotics in her class as a way to expose her students to her passion for technology and prepare them for the future. Jennifer frequently incorporates American Sign Language (ASL), music and song into her high energy lessons.

Jennifer is a co-organizer of SpEdcamp New Jersey (spedcampnj.org) and recently joined the organizing team for Edcamp New Jersey (edcampnewjersey.net). She is also a member of the Future Ready Schools New Jersey Leadership Task Force.

Jennifer has approximately 10 years experience in Special Education. You can follow her on Twitter @DynamicDuda338

Christopher Harris is the Director of Technology at Pennsauken Public Schools, a Pre-K to 12 public school district serving over 5000 students located in southern New Jersey. He is also the Principal for the Burling School, a K-4 Elementary school housing regular and special education programs. Christopher is responsible for creating and executing the district technology plan, as well as, the day-to-day operations of the Burling School. Prior to joining Pennsauken Public Schools, he served as the Principal of Mercer Elementary School, a grade 3-8 special needs’ school at Mercer County Special Services School District (MCSSSD) and the Principal of the Salem Campus at Salem County Special Services School District (SCSSSD), where Christopher created and oversaw special needs’ educational and vocational programs for students aged 5 through 21. 

Chris has 20 years experience in education serving as a Principal, Assistant Principal and Teacher. You can follow him on Twitter @Principal_H


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