TL005 Tech In The Classroom

In this episode Ross, Bryan, and I discuss how technology has found its way into the classroom in ways we didn’t notice until we had an issue in our school that put the tech out of commission for an extended period. We take a few minutes to reflect on the classroom and communication challenges that this brought to light for us. The broader questions is of course how do we “best” integrate tech into the classroom for the benefit of students.

Join us and don’t forget to leave a comment on the content or format of this podcast. We also welcome suggestions for solutions or future topics. Right now all three of us have large personal stashes of education topics we are passionate about, but if you want to hear something particular, let us know.

TL006 When Missing Class Is Worth It

In this episode of EDU@YourBest’s Teacher’s Lounge, Ross, Bryan, and I discuss our attitudes and approaches to students out of class for school related activities. As this episode is recorded in April students are in the midst of multiple field trips, athletic seasons, and mandated testing. The big question this episode, is what constitutes a “good” reason for students to miss the classroom portion of the class.

Join us and don’t forget to leave a comment on the content or format of this podcast. We also welcome suggestions for solutions or future topics. Right now all three of us have large personal stashes of education topics we are passionate about, but if you want to hear something particular, let us know.

TL002: Dirty Words Like Extra Credit

Join Ross, Bryan, and me as we hit the ground running and establish what will be an ongoing discussion of topics in education as we use our 23 minutes of lunch time to change the world (or at least our classrooms).

In this episode we tackle Bryan’s topic of “extra credit”. This lightening rod topic begins what has turned out to be a multi-episode thread on the nature of grading and assessment. From the term itself, to the implied impact for both students and teachers, this seemingly simple concept has deep significance in our local learning community. I am willing to bet that anyone who has been a teacher for any reasonable amount of time has encountered a request for, or desire to award, “extra credit”. We discuss our personal views, and how this concept is more a symptom of deeper education issues, including classroom funding.

Join us and as always feel free to comment in the appropriate area below this post. We don’t always have answers but good conversation is a start.
