TL002: Dirty Words Like Extra Credit

Join Ross, Bryan, and me as we hit the ground running and establish what will be an ongoing discussion of topics in education as we use our 23 minutes of lunch time to change the world (or at least our classrooms).

In this episode we tackle Bryan’s topic of “extra credit”. This lightening rod topic begins what has turned out to be a multi-episode thread on the nature of grading and assessment. From the term itself, to the implied impact for both students and teachers, this seemingly simple concept has deep significance in our local learning community. I am willing to bet that anyone who has been a teacher for any reasonable amount of time has encountered a request for, or desire to award, “extra credit”. We discuss our personal views, and how this concept is more a symptom of deeper education issues, including classroom funding.

Join us and as always feel free to comment in the appropriate area below this post. We don’t always have answers but good conversation is a start.

TL001: Welcome to the Teachers Lounge – Who Are We?

This is our very first episode of the Teachers Lounge brought to you by the Flipped Learning Network & EDU@YourBest.   This podcast does endeavor to stay on track with topics in education, but is intentionally informal in nature.  Bryan, Ross and I introduce ourselves and attempt to use our 23 minutes of lunch to improve education, or at least our classrooms. 

In this episode we do attempt to give you a small picture of who we are and what we are up to in our classrooms. We talk about the rise of tech in the classroom.  We discuss the changing expectations with regard to differentiation.  We also lay out a few goal we are working on throughout this school year. Although we all teach math, as veteran teachers we are involved in many broad areas of education as members of teams, team leaders, and local iconoclasts.  Also I am a full on flipped educator and Ross uses flipped elements, Bryan reflects a more traditional classroom format.   The Flipped Learning Network has been kind enough to team with us in launching this podcast but conversations will not be limited to the flipped model. 

Join us as we embark on this little experiment and discuss our thoughts and opinions over our lunches.  
