Episode 019 – Talking Definition of Flipped With Aaron Sams

Show Notes

This week Matthew Moore talks with Aaron Sams from the FlipTech East Coast 2018 conference.

Aaron is the well known co-author of books covering flipped learning and its impact on nearly every traditional education discipline, but these days he is focused on training educators at the university level.  In June of 2018 Aaron was the keynote speaker at FlipTech East Coast 2018 where he discussed and dissected some of the many definitions of flipped learning. I had the opportunity to talk with Aaron about his keynote, the “best” definition of flipped learning, and the priority of good practice over perfect definitions. Listen in on the thoughts of an educator who benefits from longest perspective in flipped learning.

The conference was held on June 29 and 30 at Collingswood High School in New Jersey. We are in the planning stages for future FlipTech conferences, feel free to contact us if you would like to participate in bringing a FlipTech conference to your city or country.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community.

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Episode 009 – Aaron Sams

Show Notes

This week Ken chats with Aaron Sams.

Aaron is a co-founder and former chair of the board of directors of The Flipped Learning Network and co-author of books on flipped learning including Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day.

Aaron Sams has been an educator since 2000. He operates the education consulting firm Sams Learning Designs, is an Instructor of Education at Saint Vincent College, and serves as an advisor to TED-Ed. In 2009 he was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching while teaching Chemistry in Woodland Park, CO and serving as co-chair of the Colorado State Science Standards Revision Committee. Aaron has co-authored seven books on the Flipped Classroom concept. Aaron is an internationally recognized education keynote speaker and has trained thousands of teachers, administrators, and professors to integrate new technology with sound pedagogy. With experience in public, private, and home schools, in both face-to-face, online, and blended learning environments, Aaron brings a unique educational perspective to any audience. He is a lifelong learner, reader, maker, and explorer. He holds both a B.S. in Biochemistry, an M.A.Ed. from Biola University, and is pursuing a Ph.D. through Texas Tech.

Aaron and Ken discussed what Aaron is up to now as well as touching on topics of robotics in primary education, the dangers of educational technology and how algorithms have bias built into them by engineers, and the need for seeking balance in the demands of work and life in academia.

You can follow Aaron on Twitter or find more information at his website Aaronsams.com.

Enjoy the show and we welcome feedback via comments, tweets to hosts and/or the AskTheFLN Twitter account or as a comment via iTunes.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network, please visit our page where you can consider how to support your not-for-profit community. We also have a bumper to advertise the FlipTech East Coast Conference 2018 which is coming up soon: June 29 and 30. For more information and registration please visit that site.

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